Bioidentical Hormone Balancing
in Memphis and Germantown

Hormone replacement therapy can make a difference at any stage of life for someone who is suffering from hormone imbalance for men and women.

Our hormone specialists offer testing for hormone imbalances and a variety of personalized solutions including bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in the form of gels, pellets, and injections, as well as prescription hormone therapy options.

Every person is different, and so is our approach. We tailor each case to meet your individual needs.

Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Mood swings
  • Aches and pains
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Brain fog or lack of focus
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Decreased sexual desire
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Excessive weight gain (especially in the abdominal area)
  • Thinning hair
  • Headaches
  • Feeling cold
  • Blood sugar imbalance

If you answered “YES” to one or more symptoms above, you may have a hormone imbalance.

Our goal at McDonald Murrmann 360° is to empower and enrich the lives and the health of each of our patients. If you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, do not wait any longer to come in for an evaluation.


Hormones are a critical component of the body and serve many different functions. When there is a lack of hormones, problems begin.  Bioidentical Hormone Pellets are a great solution and the most natural way to replenish hormone levels in both women and men. They are about the size of a rice grain and are implanted under the skin in a minimally invasive 15-minute procedure and then consistently release small, physiologic doses of bioidentical hormones just like those found normally in your body providing optimal therapy.

The procedure to implant the pellets is carried out through a 3-5-millimeter incision in your skin, and there is very little trauma to the tissue while implanting the pellets. Some patients state that the area of placement is mildly sore for several days following implantation. Any small amount of discomfort from implantation is typically forgotten during the three months that the hormone is active. Patients enjoy the benefit of guaranteed compliance and steady optimal hormone levels.


a photo of peptides in different forms

Peptides are smaller versions of proteins found in your own body. They are also present in cosmetics, supplements, and naturally present in foods.

Peptides are naturally-occurring short chain amino acids, which stimulate the normal functions in your body that have decreased with age or have lost optimal function—such as bone healing, satiety and fullness cues, and growth hormone. When these modalities are combined with our healthy habit coaching, patients can enjoy growing older.

In addition to existing naturally in your body, peptides can also be found in plant and animal protein sources such as eggs, fish, beans, whole grains, and other everyday foods. Certain peptides like bioactive peptides can have a beneficial effect on the body and may be easier for the body to absorb than proteins due to their small size and the ability to be broken down more.

Collagen peptides can be used to help slow the aging process and may help improve skin health and can be found in topical creams, ointments, and supplements.

Peptides can be used for the following:

Menopause Specialists

Perimenopause and menopause are times of great stress in some women and each woman experiences it differently. Many times, access to a menopause specialist is essential to a great quality of life.

Menopause is not a disease or illness so there is no cure, per se. Instead, we evaluate the symptoms and hormone testing results to offer the most holistic treatment options to reduce or eliminate the symptoms. Sexual wellness and vaginal health are of utmost importance in this time period of life, and McDonald Murrmann 360° offers various approaches including supplements, non-hormonal treatments, and hormone therapy to help you navigate this important passage. Our goal is to help you feel normal again while also helping to enhance your quality of life and your relationships. 

What is Menopause?

Menopause is commonly referred to as the stage in life in which you no longer can bear a child or menstruate. Medically, you have transitioned into menopause 12 months after your last menstrual cycle.

The transition period prior to menopause is known as perimenopause. During perimenopause, your ovaries produce less estrogen, which can sometimes cause menopause-like symptoms.

Every woman will experience menopause at some point in her life. It is a natural progression that occurs with age, typically in your 40s or early 50s.

Menopause Symptoms

While some women experience mild symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause, other women experience extreme symptoms that are debilitating and disruptive.

Symptoms can also start mildly and increase over time which is why it is so important to be self-aware of changes or symptoms linked to menopause, including:

Who Is a Candidate for Menopause Treatment

Any woman in her 40s going through inexplicable changes in her body or experiencing one or more of the symptoms mentioned above should visit a menopause specialist. In Memphis, you can count on McDonald Murrmann 360° to help you feel whole again.

Why Seek A Menopause Specialist?

Perimenopause and menopause symptoms are different for every woman which makes it difficult for a primary doctor (or gynecologist) to diagnose and treat. Many doctors don’t recognize symptoms of menopause which results in traditional forms of treatment for depression, anxiety, weight gain, insomnia, etc. and the use of prescription medication. This can be counterproductive and does not address the underlying problem: hormones. Your quality of life is too important. Visit an experienced menopause specialist and get your life back on track!

Male Hormone Therapy

Many men suffer every day from the effects of low levels of testosterone and hormone deficiency. Often times, these symptoms are misdiagnosed as aging or other issues. It is important to remember that when hormones are unbalanced, it can affect all aspects of overall health and well being.  Side effects of hormone imbalance in men may include:

These side effects may be the result of male hormone imbalance such as andropause, adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, or hyperthyroidism. 

We are proud to offer Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy to help get you balanced and back to feeling your best! 

FAQs on Hormone Therapy

What Should I Expect During a Hormone Consultation and Testing?

If you are interested in learning more about hormone and/or supplement therapy, we invite you to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced clinicians. They will discuss your most pressing concerns and go over how we can design your individualized care plan. You will then have blood drawn to determine hormone imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, inflammatory issues, insulin resistance, and nutritional deficits.

Once your lab results are returned, your provider will formulate a personalized plan of care. Please be mindful that lab work and developing your plan may take anywhere from 7-10 days. You will then be called back for a thorough consult to review your plan with your provider, which entails education and options for treatment. This is a collaborative consult between you and your provider in order to make sure we create a plan of care which fits best into your lifestyle. 

Each time you meet with a provider, you may have to pay an insurance copay. After your hormones/supplements have been prescribed, you will need a follow up visit about 10 weeks later to draw labs again and to discuss your progress.

It may take anywhere from 3-6 months for you to reach your goal. This is a process because we are monitoring how your body metabolizes different hormones and supplements and making sure your regimen is tailored to your anatomy and needs. Once you and your provider feel you have been successful in creating a plan of care, labs and consults may only be needed every 6-12 months.

What Causes Hormone Imbalances?

Hormones do not necessarily decline as we age, we age because our hormones decline. This slowdown gives rise to hormonal imbalances, causing sleep problems, low energy, weight gain, loss of libido, brain fog, and other issues impacting your physical and emotional well-being.

These hormone deficiencies can increase the risk of age-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, stroke, and senility.

Do You Have to Be Menopausal to Benefit from Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Women start to have surges and deficits in hormones as early as age 35 and possibly sooner due to other medical circumstances. The symptoms of perimenopause can be as extreme, if not worse, than those of menopause. Your symptoms and lab results dictate the regimen we will pursue to treat you.

If you feel your concerns have been brushed off by other providers, if you have been prescribed anti-anxiety or anti-depression medications when that was not necessarily what you were looking for, or if you have been made to feel “crazy” because nothing seems to work for you, schedule an appointment to come see us today.

What Kind of Hormones Are Used to Initiate My Plan of Care?

We utilize pharmaceutical and compounded hormones at McDonald Murrmann 360°. We want our patients to receive the maximum benefit from their customized regimen, which means we prescribe hormone therapies in accordance with the highest level of safety for each patient along with considering their personal and financial needs.

Pharmaceutical-grade hormones tend to be better covered by insurance. Depending on your health history and need for hormone balance, we prescribe Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) medications, which are produced at a compounding pharmacy. Bioidentical hormones can be compounded in several different forms (lozenges, creams, capsules, injections, pellets, and suppositories) and are dosed specifically to your individual needs. Your insurance may not cover compounded medications, but we do work with you to make sure your regimen meets your physical and financial needs.

What Are the Health Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Effects of BHRT are both short term and long term. Hormone therapy helps patients reduce the risk of many of the diseases associated with aging, including:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Senility
HRT also helps with existing symptoms such as:
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Sex drive
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sleeplessness
  • Moodiness
  • Excessive weight gain and more
Does Hormone Therapy Increase the Risk of Breast Cancer?

Studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of bioidentical estrogen and progesterone supplementation. There is an approximately 30% decreased risk of breast cancer in women that begin treatment with bioidentical estrogen and progesterone at menopause and remain on the treatment long term. Hormone therapies have received a bad reputation from several different sources. However, we at McDonald Murrmann 360° are adamant about evaluating and prescribing hormone therapies in the safest and most effective manner. Remember, we are only “restoring” what is no longer there.

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